March 11
Here was your Henry lineup for last night:
Henry 1 – OMP
Henry 2 – moi
Henry 3 – X-Ray
Considering we were sold out and it’s NASCAR weekend, we were really slow. We did have to go to a room twice for a noise complaint, but even then the guy was asleep both times, which was pretty funny.
The first time X-Ray and I could hear the TV down the hall. We knock and get no answer, so we make entry and the guy is out cold on the bed, so we turn the volume down and leave.
Later, X-Ray is on patrol and he passes the room and the guy evidently woke up and maxed out the volume again so he knocks and when the guy doesn’t answer asks for me to provide backup.
This time X-Ray, showing the skills that are sending him straight to the top in the hotel racket, takes charge and wakes the guy up and tells him he has to keep his tee vee down. The guy was understandably startled to see two uniformed bald men in his room, but he got the message.
There is some risk in waking people up; you simply do not know how a person will react. (I remember waking a guy named Mercklebach up in the Navy and almost getting right-crossed.) Most people wake up normally, but it’s not guaranteed. This guy could be cradling an Uzi and come up firing, or he could be so startled he starts punching and defending himself. But, as founding members of the International Henry Units, X-Ray and I accept such risks. Moo.
A new trainee started last night, one whose gender is not immediately apparent at distance, though up close he appears to be a she. Rich and I cruelly referred to her as Hobbit, but we’re not cruel people so that nickname won’t stick.
Here is your Henry lineup for tonight:
Henry 1 – OMP
Henry 2 – moi
Henry 3 – Special Ed
We’ll see if Ed has resumed coloring his hair.
March 13
More changes are coming to Monte Carlo. In late April the parking garage is going to be closed and ultimately torn down, making way for part of the City Centre Project.
This will throw Monte Carlo parking into complete chaos. Guest parking will be limited to the short term lot, which isn’t very big, and what is now the employee lot. Employees will be parking at MGM across the street, with Monte Carlo providing shuttle service. Valet will be parking cars in the New York New York garage, which is great if you’re going to start hiring valets from the UNLV track team.
Here was your Henry lineup for last night:
Henry 1 – OMP
Henry 2 – moi
Henry 3 – Special Ed
It was the slowest Saturday in memory. The official International Henry Unit record book does not differentiate between weeknights and weekends, but it was the slowest Saturday I can remember. I waited over two hours for my first call and if I had more than a half dozen all night I’d be surprised. I don’t know for sure because we’re not required to keep a written log anymore, though we still have our scanners, of course.
There was a fight in the casino, but that was it. I was in PBX chatting with James and Adrian and watching princess Silvia sleep when it went down. I responded of course, but PBX is on the second floor and not really convenient to stairs or the elevators and by the time I got there it was all broken up and all I had to do was stand around and look commanding which, of course, is my only real talent.
March 15
I was Charlie 1 last night and passed as sleazy a night as it is possible to pass. All told, I spent exactly one half of one hour patrolling the casino.
Charlie 1’s schedule was designed with someone working OT in mind, to give them as leisurely a night as possible. But for the first time in a while, there were no OT Charlie units, so I found myself not having to do poker, boxes, a pit drop or validators. All told I spent five-and-a-half hours sitting on my keister. I felt like I was in the hotel.
I started at Eddie – 2, where my main task was making a fresh pot of coffee, then at midnight went and patrolled the east end for 30 minutes, though most of that time was spent BSing with Rich. At 0030 I was sent to the podium to relieve Brandon and since that was my 0100 post, I stayed there till going 482 at 0200.
I had fills at 0300 and at 0400 I was back at Eddie – 2 and stayed there till 0600 because Bi-Bob, who was supposed to relieve me at 0500 ended up having to write a report on something or another and I wrapped up the day, at leisure and with coffee, manning the podium.
Here is your Henry lineup for tonight:
Henry 1 – moi
Henry 2 – Lee
Henry 3 – X-Ray
The International Henry Units stand by, ready to serve. God bless all of you.
March 8 & 10
March 16 & 19
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