Criminals, Courtesans and Constables

Friends, welcome to the homepage for my hilarious, thoughtful novel Criminals, Courtesans and Constables. 

I know you’ll enjoy meeting the unnamed protagonist, the lovely and funny courtesans Rachel, Monica and Lindsay as well as the constabulary that gets their collective shorts in a knot over their actions. They’ll take you everywhere from Europe to the US, from safehouses to throne rooms, from 5-star hotels to death row.

The first five chapters are free. After that, the rest of the book is only $2.99.

Criminals, Courtesans and Constables

A Novel
Gaylon Kent

Criminals, Courtesans and Constables is a novel.
All elements are either products of my imagination or are used fictitiously. 

Anything else is a coincidence. 

Chapter 1: The Girls
Chapter 2: The Firm
Chapter 3: The Escape
Chapter 4: Monica and The Games
Chapter 5: The States


Friends, click here to purchase the rest of Criminals, Courtesans and Constables.
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Chapter 6: The Operation and Another Escape
Chapter 7: The Constable
Chapter 8: Lights, Camera, Action
Chapter 9: The Nick
Chapter 10: The Constable II
Chapter 11: Confinement
Chapter 12: Monica
Chapter 13: A Visitor From The Past
Chapter 14: Abigail’s Briefing
Chapter 15: The Trial
Chapter 16: The Row
Chapter 17: The Colonel
Chapter 18: Monica II
Chapter 19: A Wondrous Imbroglio

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